Zum Wert und zur Verwertung von Kunst

Was ist der Wert von Kunst und wie soll man für ihn bezahlen? Lässt sich ihr Wert überhaupt in Geld beschreiben? Geht es in vielen Fällen nicht gerade vielmehr darum, bestehende Ansichten, Wert(haltungen) und kritiklose Konsumperspektiven in und mit der Kunst in Frage zu stellen? Ohne Frage besteht also ein Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Kunst als Inhalt […]

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The Evolution of Innovation

How did we evolve to become innovative creatures? Why do humans, more than any other species, invest in exploring novelty although there is no guaranteed reward or otherwise ensured positive outcome. A week ago I met Zurich professor for Anthropology Carel van Schaik who has looked into the processes that led to the emergence of […]

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Evonovation has taken a closer look at plant biology and is inspired by technical solutions developed by nature. In many cases, levels of stability and material efficiency are unparalleled in plants and can be studied as a bionic model for technical engineering and architecture – or simply inspiring innovation with regard to sustainability.   Interestingly, […]

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Swiss Innovation: Freitag

Evonovation founder Thomas has taken a short trip to Zurich to visit the Swiss innovative messenger bag company Freitag. The company has their origins in an idea of the two designer brothers Markus and Daniel Freitag who were inspired in 1993 by heavy truck traffic while looking for a new bag design.   By now, […]

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What is Growth?

Short Summary and Critique of a Discussion with Philosopher Peter Sloterdijk May 12, 2011, Munich   The event took place in the impressive double-helix auditorium of the “BMW Welt” building in Munich (on the picture in the link on the right side)”. Entrance was controlled and only invited guests were accepted – a somehow strange […]

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Shared Value – Social Value

Nowadays everybody is “innovative”, everybody claims to deliver creative added value for its customers and creativity seems to come with such efficiency that the only question remaining is why products and services are still lacking much of the innovative spirit everybody seems to possess. One interesting hint in this direction comes from an article from […]

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